

Real-Time Byzantine Resilient Power Grid Infrastructure: Evaluation and Trade-offs
Sahiti Bommareddy, Maher Khan, David J Sebastian Cardenas, Carl Miller, Christopher Bonebrake, Yair Amir, Amy Babay
Accepted at International Workshop on Explainability of Real-time Systems and their Analysis at the IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2022).
Real-Time Byzantine Resilience for Power Grid Substations
Sahiti Bommareddy, Daniel Qian, Christopher Bonebrake, Paul Skare, Yair Amir,
In Proceedings of the 41st International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, Vienna, Austria, September 2022, pp. 135-144 SRDS.
Data-Centric Analysis of Compound Threats to Critical Infrastructure Control Systems
Sahiti Bommareddy, Benjamin Gilby, Maher khan, Imes Chiu, Mathaios Panteli, John W. van de Lindt, Yair Amir, Amy Babay
In Proceedings of the 52nd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshops (DSN-W) DSN-W.


RADICS: Runtime Assurance of Distributed Intelligent Control Systems
Brian Wheatman, Jerry Chen, Tamim Sookoor, Yair Amir
In Proceedings of the 51st Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshops (DSN-W) 2021 DSN2021.


Deploying Intrusion-Tolerant SCADA for the Power Grid
Amy Babay, John Schultz, Thomas Tantillo, Samuel Beckley, Eamon Jordan, Kevin Ruddell, Kevin Jordan, Yair Amir
In Proceedings of the IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN19), Portland OR, June 2019, pp. 328-335. Obsoletes Technical Report CNDS-2019-1.


Toward an Intrusion-Tolerant Power Grid: Challenges and Opportunities
Amy Babay, John Schultz, Thomas Tantillo, Yair Amir
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Vision track, Vienna Austria, July 2018, pp. 1321-1326. Invited paper.
Network-Attack-Resilient Intrusion-Tolerant SCADA for the Power Grid
Amy Babay, Thomas Tantillo, Trevor Aron, Marco Platania, Yair Amir
In Proceedings of the IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN18), Luxembourg, June 2018, pp. 255-266. Obsoletes Technical Report CNDS-2017-2.


Structured Overlay Networks for a New Generation of Internet Services
Amy Babay, Claudiu Danilov, John Lane, Michal Miskin-Amir, Daniel Obenshain, John Schultz, Jonathan Stanton, Thomas Tantillo, Yair Amir
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Vision track, Atlanta GA, June 2017, pp. 1771-1779. Invited paper.
Timely, Reliable, and Cost-effective Internet Transport Service using Dissemination Graphs
Amy Babay, Emily Wagner, Michael Dinitz, and Yair Amir
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Atlanta GA, June 2017, pp. 1-12. Obsoletes Technical Report CNDS-2017-1.


Practical Intrusion-Tolerant Networks
Daniel Obenshain, Thomas Tantillo, Amy Babay, John Schultz, Andrew Newell, Md. Endadul Hoque, Yair Amir, Cristina Nita-Rotaru
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Nara, Japan, June 2016, pp. 45-56. Obsoletes Technical Report CNDS-2016-2. Abstract
Fast Total Ordering for Modern Data Centers
Amy Babay and Yair Amir
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Nara, Japan, June 2016, pp. 669-679. An extended version is available as Technical Report CNDS-2016-1. Obsoletes Technical Report CNDS-2014-2. Abstract
On Choosing Server- or Client-Side Solutions for BFT
Marco Platania, Daniel Obenshain, Thomas Tantillo, Yair Amir, Neeraj Suri
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 48(4), Article 61, May 2016. Abstract


Increasing Network Resiliency by Optimally Assigning Diverse Variants to Routing Nodes
Andrew Newell, Daniel Obenshain, Thomas Tantillo, Cristina Nita-Rotaru, Yair Amir
The IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), 12(6), pages 602-614, November 2015. Abstract
Toward Survivable Intrusion-Tolerant Open-Source SCADA
Thomas Tantillo
IEEE International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN15) Student Forum, Rio de Janeiro, June 2015. Abstract
Timely, Reliable, and Cost-effective Transport Service using Dissemination Graphs
Amy Babay
IEEE International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN15) Student Forum, Rio de Janeiro, June 2015. Abstract


Towards a Practical Survivable Intrusion Tolerant Replication System
Marco Platania, Daniel Obenshain, Thomas Tantillo, Ricky Sharma, Yair Amir
In the Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS14), Nara, Japan, October 2014, pp. 242-252. An extended version is available as Technical Report CNDS-2014-1. Abstract
Survivable SCADA via Intrusion-Tolerant Replication
Jonathan Kirsch, Stuart Goose, Yair Amir, Dong Wei, Paul Skare
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 5(1), pages 60-70, January 2014. Abstract


Increasing Network Resiliency by Optimally Assigning Diverse Variants to Routing Nodes
Andrew Newell, Daniel Obenshain, Thomas Tantillo, Cristina Nita-Rotaru, Yair Amir
Technical Report CNDS-2013-1. Abstract
Increasing Network Resiliency by Optimally Assigning Diverse Variants to Routing Nodes
Andrew Newell, Daniel Obenshain, Thomas Tantillo, Cristina Nita-Rotaru, Yair Amir
In the Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN13), Budapest, June 2013. Obsoletes Technical Report TR-13-002. Abstract


Intrusion-Tolerant Cloud Monitoring and Control
Daniel Obenshain, Tom Tantillo, Andrew Newell, Cristina Nita-Rotaru, Yair Amir
In Proceedings of the 2012 Workshop on Large-Scale Distributed Systems and Middleware (LADIS 2012), Madeira, Portugal, July 2012. Invited paper. Abstract


Toward Survivable SCADA
Jonathan Kirsch, Stuart Goose, Yair Amir, Paul Skare
In Proceedings of Annual Cyber Security and Information Intelligence Research Workshop (CSIIRW11), Oak Ridge TN, October 2011. Abstract
Prime: Byzantine Replication Under Attack
Yair Amir, Brian Coan, Jonathan Kirsch, John Lane
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), 8(4), pages 564-577, July 2011. Abstract


The SMesh Wireless Mesh Network
Yair Amir, Claudiu Danilov, Raluca Musaloiu-Elefteri, Nilo Rivera
The ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (ACM TOCS), 28(3), pages 6:1-6:49, September 2010. Obsoletes Technical Report CNDS-2009-3. Abstract

A Robust Push-to-Talk Service for Wireless Mesh Networks
Yair Amir, Raluca Musaloiu-Elefteri, Nilo Rivera
In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (IEEE SECON 2010), pages 270-278, Boston MA, June 2010. Abstract

STEWARD: Scaling Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Replication to Wide Area Networks
Yair Amir, Claudiu Danilov, Danny Dolev, Jonathan Kirsch, John Lane, Cristina Nita-Rotaru, Josh Olsen, David Zage
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC) 7(1), pages 80-93, Januray 2010. Abstract


An Attack-Resilient Architecture for Large-Scale Intrusion-Tolerant Replication
Yair Amir, Brian Coan, Jonathan Kirsch, John Lane
Technical Report CNDS-2009-5. Abstract

Prime: Byzantine Replication Under Attack
Yair Amir, Brian Coan, Jonathan Kirsch, John Lane
Technical Report CNDS-2009-4. Abstract

Authenticated Adversarial Routing
Yair Amir, Paul Bunn, Rafail Ostrovsky
In Proceedings of the IACR Theory of Cryptograhy Conference (TCC), pages 163-182, San Francisco CA, March 2009. Abstract

Intrusion-Tolerant Group Management for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
Jonathan Kirsch, Brian Coan
Technical Report CNDS-2009-2. Abstract

A Robust Push-to-Talk Service for Wireless Mesh Networks
Yair Amir, Raluca Musaloiu-Elefteri, Nilo Rivera
Technical Report CNDS-2009-1. Abstract


Paxos For System Builders: An Overview
Yair Amir, Jonathan Kirsch
In Proceedings of the 2008 Workshop on Large-Scale Distributed Systems and Middleware (LADIS 2008), Yorktown, NY, September 2008. Invited paper. Abstract

On Redundant Multipath Operating System Support for Wireless Mesh Networks
Yair Amir, Claudiu Danilov, Michael Kaplan, Raluca Musaloiu-Elefteri, Nilo Rivera
In the 3rd IEEE Workshop on Wireless Mesh Networks (WiMesh 2008), San Francisco, CA, USA, June 2008, pp. 1-6. Obsoletes Technical Report CNDS-2008-3, CNDS-2007-2. Abstract

Byzantine Replication Under Attack
Yair Amir, Brian Coan, Jonathan Kirsch, John Lane
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2008), Anchorage, AK, USA, June 2008, pp. 197-206. Obsoletes Technical Report CNDS-2008-1. Abstract

Paxos For System Builders
Jonathan Kirsch, Yair Amir
Technical Report CNDS-2008-2. Abstract


Customizable Fault Tolerance For Wide-Area Replication
Yair Amir, Brian Coan, Jonathan Kirsch, John Lane
In the 26th IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 2007), Beijing, China, 2007, pp. 66-80. Abstract

Customizable Fault Tolerance For Wide-Area Replication
Yair Amir, Brian Coan, Jonathan Kirsch, John Lane
Technical Report CNDS-2007-1. Obsoletes Technical Report CNDS-2006-3. Abstract

An Inter-domain Routing Protocol for Multi-homed Wireless Mesh Networks
Yair Amir, Claudiu Danilov, Raluca Musaloiu-Elefteri, Nilo Rivera
In IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile, and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2007), Helsinki, Finland. Obsoletes Technical Report CNDS-2006-1. Abstract


STEWARD: Scaling Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Replication to Wide Area Networks
Yair Amir, Claudiu Danilov, Danny Dolev, Jonathan Kirsch, John Lane, Cristina Nita-Rotaru, Josh Olsen, David Zage
Technical Report CNDS-2006-2. Obsoletes Technical Report CNDS-2005-3. Abstract

Fast Handoff for Seamless Wireless Mesh Networks
Yair Amir, Claudiu Danilov, Michael Hilsdale, Raluca Musaloiu-Elefteri, Nilo Rivera
In the Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications and Services (MobiSys 2006), pages 83-95, Uppsala, Sweden, June 2006. Obsoletes Technical Report CNDS-2005-2. Abstract

Scaling Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Replication to Wide Area Networks
Yair Amir, Claudiu Danilov, Danny Dolev, Jonathan Kirsch, John Lane, Cristina Nita-Rotaru, Josh Olsen, David Zage
In the Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN06), pages 105-114, Philadelphia, June 2006. Abstract

An Overlay Architecture for High Quality VoIP Streams
Yair Amir, Claudiu Danilov, Stuart Goose, David Hedqvist, Andreas Terzis
In the IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 8(6), pages 1250-1262, December 2006. Abstract


Enhancing Distributed Systems with Mechanisms to Cope with Malicious Clients
Yair Amir, Claudiu Danilov, John Lane, Michal Miskin-Amir, Cristina Nita-Rotaru
Technical Report CNDS-2005-4. Abstract

A Cost-Benefit Flow Control for Reliable Multicast and Unicast in Overlay Networks
Yair Amir, Baruch Awerbuch, Claudiu Danilov, Jonathan Stanton.
In IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 13(5), pages 1094-1106, October 2005. Abstract

An Overlay Architecture for High Quality VoIP Streams
Yair Amir, Claudiu Danilov, Stuart Goose, David Hedqvist, Andreas Terzis
Technical Report CNDS-2005-1. Obsoletes Technical Report CNDS-2004-2. Abstract

Secure Spread: An Integrated Architecture for Secure Group Communication
Yair Amir, Cristina Nita-Rotaru, Jonathan Stanton, Gene Tsudik
In IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), vol. 2, no. 3, pages 248-261, September 2005. Abstract

1-800-OVERLAYS: Using Overlay Networks to Improve VoIP Quality
Yair Amir, Claudiu Danilov, Stuart Goose, David Hedqvist, Andreas Terzis
In the Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV 05) pp. 51-56, Skamania, Washington, June 13th-14th, 2005. Abstract


On the Performance of Group Key Agreement Protocols
Yair Amir, Yongdae Kim, Cristina Nita-Rotaru, John Schultz, Jonathan Stanton, Gene Tsudik
In ACM Transactions on Information and Systems Security (TISSEC), vol. 7, no. 3, pages 1-32, August 2004. Abstract

1-800-OVERLAYS: Using Overlay Networks to Improve VoIP Quality
Yair Amir, Claudiu Danilov, Stuart Goose, David Hedqvist, Andreas Terzis
Technical Report CNDS-2004-2. Abstract

Secure Group Communication Using Robust Contributory Key Agreement
Yair Amir, Yongdae Kim, Cristina Nita-Rotaru, John Schultz, Jonathan Stanton, Gene Tsudik
In IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), vol. 15, no. 5, pages 468-480, May 2004. Abstract

The Spread Toolkit: Architecture and Performance
Yair Amir, Claudiu Danilov, Michal Miskin-Amir, John Schultz, Jonathan Stanton
Technical Report CNDS-2004-1


On the Performance of Consistent Wide-Area Database Replication
Yair Amir, Claudiu Danilov, Michal Miskin-Amir, Jonathan Stanton, and Ciprian Tutu,
Technical Report CNDS-2003-3, December 2003. Obsoletes TR CNDS-2002-4. Abstract

A New Look at the Old Domain Name System
Yair Amir, Daniel Massey, and Ciprian Tutu.
Technical Report CNDS-2003-2 Abstract

N-Way Fail-Over Infrastructure for Reliable Servers and Routers
Yair Amir, Ryan Caudy, Ashima Munjal, Theo Schlossnagle, and Ciprian Tutu.
In the Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN03), San Francisco, June 2003. (Earlier Version as TR CNDS-2002-5) Abstract

Reliable Communication in Overlay Networks
Yair Amir and Claudiu Danilov.
In the Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN03), San Francisco, June 2003. An earlier version of the paper was released as Technical Report CNDS-2003-1 Abstract

Scaling Secure Group Communication: Beyond Peer-to-Peer
Yair Amir, Cristina Nita-Rotaru, Jonathan Stanton, and Gene Tsudik.
Int the Proceedings of DISCEX3, Washington DC, April 22-24, 2003. Obsoletes TR CNDS-2002-3. Abstract


On the Performance of Wide-Area Synchronous Database Replication
Yair Amir, Claudiu Danilov, Michal Miskin-Amir, Jonathan Stanton, and Ciprian Tutu,
Technical Report CNDS-2002-4, November 2002. Abstract

An On-Demand Secure Routing Protocol Resilient to Byzantine Failures
Baruch Awerbuch, Dave Holmer, Cristina Nita-Rotaru, and Herbert Rubens.
In ACM Workshop on Wireless Security (WiSe), Atlanta, Georgia, September 28 2002. Abstract

From Total Order to Database Replication
Yair Amir and Ciprian Tutu.
In the Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Vienna, Austria, July 2002. Abstract

High Performance, Robust, Secure and Transparent Overlay Network Service
Yair Amir, Claudiu Danilov, and Cristina Nita-Rotaru.
In FuDiCo 2002: International Workshop on Future Directions in Distributed Computing , Bertinoro(Forli), Italy, June 3-7 2002. Abstract

Global Flow Control for Wide Area Overlay Networks: A Cost-Benefit Approach
Yair Amir, Baruch Awerbuch, Claudiu Danilov, and Jonathan Stanton.
In the Proceedings of IEEE Open Architectures and Network Programming (Openarch), pp 155-166, New York, New York, June 2002. Abstract

Maintaining Database Consistency in Peer to Peer Networks Baruch Awerbuch, and Ciprian Tutu.
Technical Report CNDS-2002-2, February 2002. Abstract

Practical Wide Area Database Replication
Yair Amir, Claudiu Danilov, Michal Miskin-Amir, Jonathan Stanton and Ciprian Tutu.
Technical Report CNDS-2002-1, February 2002. Abstract


From Total Order to Database Replication
Yair Amir and Ciprian Tutu.
Technical Report CNDS-2001-6, November 2001. Abstract

On the Performance of Group Key Agreement Protocols
Yair Amir, Yongdae Kim, Cristina Nita-Rotaru, and Gene Tsudik,
Technical Report CNDS-2001-5, November 2001, (Obsoletes TR CNDS-2001-4).
In the IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Vienna, Austria, July 2002, short paper.

Framework for Authentication and Access Control of Client-Server Group Communication Systems
Yair Amir, Cristina Nita-Rotaru, and Jonathan Stanton.
In the Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Networked Group Communication (NGC), London UK, 7-9 November 2001. Abstract

Global Flow Control for Wide Area Overlay Networks: A Cost-Benefit Approach
Yair Amir, Baruch Awerbuch, Claudiu Danilov, and Jonathan Stanton,
Technical Report CNDS-2001-3. Accepted to IEEE Open Architectures and Network Programming (OpenArch), June 2002. Abstract

Partitionable Virtual Synchrony Using Extended Virtual Synchrony
John Schultz
Masters Thesis, January 2001 Abstract

Framework for Authentication and Access Control of Client-Server Group Communication Systems
Yair Amir, Cristina Nita-Rotaru, and Jonathan Stanton.
Technical Report CNDS-2001-2. Abstract

Exploring Robustness in Group Key Agreement
Yair Amir, Yongdae Kim, Cristina Nita-Rotaru, John Schultz, Jonathan Stanton, and Gene Tsudik
In the Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Phoenix, Arizona, April 2001, pp 399-408. Nominated for Best Paper Award. Abstract

Flow Control for Many-to-Many Multicast: A Cost-Benefit Approach
Yair Amir, Baruch Awerbuch, Claudiu Danilov, and Jonathan Stanton,
Technical Report CNDS-2001-1. Abstract


HYPERDOG - Up to Date Web Monitoring Through Metacomputers
Jacob Green
Master Thesis, Oct. 2000 Abstract

A Cost-Benefit Approach to Resource Allocation in Scalable Metacomputers
R. Sean Borgstrom
PhD Thesis, Sep. 2000 Abstract

Exploring Robusteness in Group Key Agreement
Yair Amir, Yongdae Kim, Cristina Nita-Rotaru, John Schultz, Jonathan Stanton, and Gene Tsudik
Technical Report CNDS-2000-4, August 2000. Abstract

The Cost of Adding Security Services to Group Communication Systems
Cristina Nita-Rotaru
Technical Report CNDS-2000-3, March 2000. Abstract

An Opportunity Cost Approach for Job Assignment and Reassignment in a Scalable Computing Cluster
Yair Amir, Baruch Awerbuch, Amnon Barak, Ryan S. Borgstrom and Arie Keren.
In the IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 11(7), pages 760-768, July 2000. Abstract

A Low Latency, Loss Tolerant Architecture and Protocol for Wide Area Group Communication
Yair Amir, Claudiu Danilov, and Jonathan Stanton
Published in International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (FTCS-30, DCCA-8), New York, New York, June 25-28, 2000.
A full version of this paper was published as Johns Hopkins University, Center for Networking and Distributed Systems (CNDS) Technical report CNDS-99-2.

Practical Cluster Applications of Group Communication
Yair Amir, Yan Gu, Theo Schlossnagle and Jonathan Stanton
Published in International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (FTCS-3 0, DCCA-8),New York, New York, June 25-28, 2000. Abstract

A Cost-Benefit Framework for Online Management of a Metacomputing System
Yair Amir, Baruch Awerbuch, and Ryan S. Borgstrom
The International Journal for Decision Support Systems, Elsevier Science, 28(1-2), pages 155-164, April 2000. Abstract

Secure Group Communication in Asynchronous Networks with Failures: Integration and Experiments
Yair Amir, Giuseppe Ateniese, Damian Hasse, Yongdae Kim, Cristina Nita-Rotaru, Theo Schlossnagle, John Schultz, Jonathan Stanton, and Gene Tsudik
Published in Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, April 10-13, 2000, pp 330-343.
Originally published as Johns Hopkins University, Center for Networking and Distributed Systems (CNDS) Technical Report CNDS-99-3.

mod_backhand: A load balancing module for the Apache web server.
Theo Schlossnagle
Technical Report CNDS-2000-2. Abstract

Multicast routing through a network with hierarchical topology aggregation
Baruch Awerbuch, and Tripurari Singh
Technical Report CNDS-2000-1. Abstract


An improved throughput-competitive algorithm for Online Multicast
Tripurari Singh
Technical Report CNDS-99-5. Abstract

The maximal dense tree problem on a graph with dynamic edge weights
Tripurari Singh
Technical Report CNDS-99-4. Abstract

Walrus - a Low Latency, High Throughput Web Service Using Internet-wide Replication
Yair Amir, and David Shaw
In Proceedings of the 19th IEEE ICDCS Workshop on Electronic Commerce and Web-based Applications, pages 31-40, Austin, May 1999
A previous version is available as Technical Report CNDS-98-5 as


Seamlessly Selecting the Best Copy from Internet-Wide Replicated Web Servers
Yair Amir, Alec Peterson, and David Shaw
In the Proceedings of The 12th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC'98) (formerly WDAG), Andros, Greece, September 1998. Also - Technical Report CNDS-98-3. Abstract

WALRUS: A Low Latency, High Throughput Web Service Using Internet-wide Replication.
David Shaw
Masters Thesis, August 1998. Abstract

The Spread Wide Area Group Communication System
Yair Amir and Jonathan Stanton
Technical Report CNDS-98-4. Abstract

A Cost-Benefit Framework for Online Management of a Metacomputing System
Yair Amir, Baruch Awerbuch, and Ryan S. Borgstrom
Appeared in the 1st International Conference on Information and Computation Economies (ICE-98), Charleston, October 1998. Abstract

An Opportunity Cost Approach for Job Assignment and Reassignment in a Scalable Computing Cluster
Yair Amir, Baruch Awerbuch, Amnon Barak, Ryan S. Borgstrom and Arie Keren.
In the Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS'98), Las Vegas, October 1998. Also - Technical Report CNDS-98-2. Abstract

The Java Market: Transforming the Internet into a Metacomputer
Yair Amir, Baruch Awerbuch, and Ryan S. Borgstrom
Technical Report CNDS-98-1. Abstract

Distributed Systems and Networks Lab
Computer Science Department, Johns Hopkins University
207 Malone Hall
3400 North Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218
TEL: (410) 516-5562